Questions & Answers

What's a Quest?

A Quest sends you out into the festival with a fun ice-breaker to meet someone new, or deepen an existing relationship. For example, a starting journey might be to compliment someone on their artwork. Some journeys are more intimate.

Will the clergy always offer sex?

Only if they’re inspired. Some clergy only provide an ear and conversational partner for sexy topics. As such, some combinations of clergy/seeker will be compatible, and others won’t.

I'm a woman. Can I enter?

Everyone is welcome for Quests and conversation. For more, it depends who’s staffing. We’re hoping to have clergy who can provide immediate satisfaction for all genders. You can always state your desires and see what the clergy offers.

Are clergy men or women?

It’s a glory hole, so it’s mostly invisible. So far, staffers have been male. We may have both male and female clergy, though that may change depending on who shows up. All clergy respect your boundaries. We have a mask for anonymity and a blackout mask for your fantasizing pleasure.

What about STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and protection?

We have condoms available and some clergy use them for all sexual contact. If you know you have any kind of STI, please let the clergy know.

I'm under 18. Can I enter?

No. Please find other diversions at Firefly and come back when you’re 18.

Is GGH anonymous?

Maybe. It is definitely confidential. Clergy may want to talk face-to-face as part of discussing STIs and activities. Clergy will never reveal your identity to anyone else.

Is GGH completely confidential? Yes.

Yes. What happens in GGH stays in GGH. Clergy won’t reveal who came in.

I’m monogamous. Should I come in?

Sure! Come in for a quest. If the clergy offers more, simply decline.

What’s a Godliness card?

Godliness is next to cleanliness. Bathing is scarce at Firefly, and personal hygiene may be tricky. Please wash and return for more. We want to insure you and they find your time together an inspiration, not a tribulation.

2016 Godliness card[/caption]

What are the vows?

Here are the Seeker vows:

  • I speak with honesty.
  • I have received my Quest.
  • I affirm that Quests are fun ice-breakers, not sexual propositions.
  • I will respect the boundaries and wishes of my Quest card recipient.
  • I accept what has been offered by GGH.

Sex & Consent


Say No at Any Time!

If for any reason, at any time, for any reason, you want to stop the encounter, just say “No,” and do so!

Boundaries are for Exploring!

Our staffers are a mix of genders and sexualities. Feel free to explore your boundaries. If they offer “immediate satisfaction,” feel free to decline and just have conversation. Or say yes. Or come back later.

Sex is at clergy’s discretion!

Consent is always two-way. You have to be into it, and our clergy have to be into it. If they don’t want to offer you immediate satisfaction, stick to conversation. You might want to come back later. Clergy might be in the mood, or someone else may be on duty. If something about you or your desires motivates the Clergy to offer more, however, please enjoy (safely)!

And of course if they offer and you don’t want to, politely decline.

Quests are fun ice-breakers, not sexual propositions!

Quest outside Glory Glory Hole-lelujah are fun ice-breakers. If you offer someone a Quest card and they decline, move on.

If they accept, listen carefully to their boundaries, discuss them, and participate in a way that keeps them feeling safe and comfortable.