Glory Glory Hole-lelujah is an adults-only art experience at Firefly, New England’s Regional Burning Man event.
In 2021 for virtual Burning Man, an online version of Glory Glory Hole-lelujah was launched in Topia.

Do you like to meet people for fun, friendship, and maybe some frolicking? We sure do!! And yet … it can be hard to meet people. And even when you meet them, sometimes you want some frolicking, and navigating that situation is really tricky. Here at Glory Glory Hole-lelujah, we put the lick into frolick. We believe it is our Sacred Calling to be of service when you want it, too.
Glory Glory Hole-elujah is a role-playing, consent-based adult “spiritual retreat” to give each visitor (we call them “Seekers”) a chance to share their desires in a confidential, safe space. Conversations are non-judgmental, and a chance to explore topics and ideas that we can’t discuss anywhere else.
When the chemistry is right, our clergy may directly offer satisfaction and service our visitors’ desires. Glory Glory Hole-lelujah is an opportunity for liberation, fantasy, or just plain fun. Some religions call their one-on-one retreats “confessionals,” but confession implies guilt, and we believe in celebration of the good things in life.
A Seeker enters the booth. Our Clergy will ask, “What are your desires?” And you share your desires with our Clergy. This is a chance for an honest, no-judgment conversation that can range from philosophical to sexy story-telling to detailed description of fantasies a Seeker would like to live out. The Clergy can listen or converse, as the Seeker desires.
Receive a Quest to Meet Someone New
The Clergy will then grant you a Quest. The quest is a fun, interactive ice-breaker that sends you out into the event to meet someone new. Quests can be simple ways to meet a new friend, or ways to establish a closer connection in a more intimate direction.
The quest is a fun, interactive ice-breaker to meet someone new.

So where does the 18+ part come in?
At their own option, the Clergy may elect to offer you “instant enlightenment.” The offer depends solely on the Clergy’s mood and may be declined by simply saying “No, thank you.” No reciprocation is expected. Spirituality is a private matter—no one but you and your staffer will know what your assignment is. What happens in Glory Glory Hole-alujah stays in Glory Glory Hole-elujah.
Plain English explanation: The Clergy may offer the Seeker an erotic story, a hand job, or blowjob or anything else they wish. We also have an optional blackout mask so Seekers can experience immersive fantasy while being serviced by the clergy. Depending on who we have staffing, we hope to offer services to all genders. Any sexual activity between staffers and visitors is consensual from both parties. If either party isn’t into it, the Seeker can still have a safe space for frank conversation about things we don’t usually get to discuss.
Glory-Us Intimate Tutorials
For anyone who wants to learn to give better head, you just bring a partner into Glory Glory Hole-lelujah and join the clergy on the other side of the glory hole. There, you can trade tips and tricks about how to improve your oral skills. Your partner is the test subject to give real-time feedback.
GGH is Private and Discreet
This project is designed to give Seekers a chance to explore their own boundaries and/or have a stimulating time in private. Glory Glory Hole-elujah is not anonymous, as the Clergy and Seeker may want face-to-face conversation about certain matters, but Glory Glory Hole-elujah is completely confidential. Our Clergy do not discuss what happens within Glory Glory Hole-elujah; some things in life are private.
Instant Enlightenment
But your mouth is such an amazing advocate for my dick. Getting a blowjob from you feels like vaginal or anal sex with other ppl
Happy Seeker
Conversations You Can’t Have Elsewhere, NECTR
This was possibly one of the most valuable Burns I’ve ever attended.
“Conversation about any topic” was one of the activities offered at Gareth Morgan’s Glory-Glory Hole-lelujah.I had a very long, sometimes very emotional, and helpful conversation with Gareth in which he walked me through some great self-help exercises.
Now I know Gareth wishes I could say that I also got some great head at GGH during the weekend (or that we had at least talked about a sexual question), but that was not my jam. Although, since I walked away from my GGH talk with a great improvement in aspects of my life-headspace, and some genuine feelings of new peace/relaxation/bliss, I guess I could say after all that I got some great head at GGH 😉
Visitor to GGH at NECTR
Blowjobs 101 Workshop, Firefly
Yesterday I sucked so well that my partner said I should hand out your business cards. In our negotiation, he had asked me how I felt about giving BJs and I said that I had recently taken your class so I was feeling prepared! I’ve gone from Ms. Nervous to Resident Expert!
Couples Instruction, Firefly
Gareth sat down with my girlfriend and I and carefully went over his incredible repository of oral sex skills. I was both live demonstration subject and student! It was an incredible experience. He even helped assist my girlfriend in her aversion to ejaculation. We both learned a lot of things that we incorporate in the bedroom to this day!
Everyone needs Gareth’s advice!
Visitors for one-on-one instruction
Get Involved!
If you’d like to be involved helping to prepare the project, create lit signs, staff GGH, or visit and/or help us test it, just click the button below. I want to get involved!
What happens in Glory Glory Hole-elujah stays in Glory Glory Hole-elujah!™